This Blog will consist of the news of the organization. We will update you with any news on what is going on in the organization.

May 2024:
This month has been great for us. We were able to set up a Bank account which has helped us with signing up for Government Grants. We are still learning how everything works with the Grant system but it is a big step for us.

Our first meeting is on the 22 of May at 1730 hours (5:30 pm) and will be held at the Belleview Libary. We need to vote on Officers and the By-laws. We also need to talk about upcoming events in June for PTSD awareness month.

We also just became a member of the Nonprofit Business Council. This is a great way for us to get our name out and the council also has some Grant writing classes that Lara and I are hoping to attend later this summer.

We also have set up a way for people to donate to the group. If you have not already please consider signing up for ten dollars a month. This will help us build groups, go on outings, and more. It only takes a few seconds to add your information.

One other thing :
We are still looking for a good place to hold groups if you know of a place that is quiet, large enough to hold a group, and has refreshments available, please let us know.